Check out what's new in The Zipper Club Store!

We've got a brand new, one-stop shop for all your endless summer needs in the all-new Zipper Club store!
All items are currently in-stock and ready for shipment on Wednesday of each new week. You can have books personalized to yourself or your favorite little Zipsketeer in your life by just adding a request to your order and more items will be coming available soon! You can find the shop in the link off to the left side of our site and if you have any questions or issues with using it, please drop us a line in the Contact Us section.
Then, once you've finished reading the new book, or have caught up on the previous volume, we encourage you to tell us and other readers what you thought through our GoodReads review pages. In the coming months, we'll begin random drawings and select reviewers for free giveaways!
Here, here, Zipsketeers!