Meet The Gang!

Len N. Wallace
Writer of The Zipper Club series
Len N Wallace is a lifelong survivor of an endocardio cushion defect with a hypoplastic left ventrical. Around the time he was born, his heart condition was seen as something with a small likelihood of survival. Two surgeries and a lot of pain later, Len grew up to be a fully functional adult, while managing to stay a kid at heart as he embarked on a career writing comic books. After working with Dreamworks Entertainment, Image Comics, Ape Entertainment, Ronin Studios, and his first graphic novel Love Buzz was published by Oni Press. In 2010, Grayhaven Comics published a series of short stories based on his time counseling camp for kids with heart problems for their Gathering anthology. The shorts were later collected as the first Zipper Club comic through his publishing brand Saw Baby Books.
Brenda Liz López
Artist on The Zipper Club - Year One
Brenda Liz Lopez is a professional freelance illustrator who, in addition to her work on The Zipper Club, has illustrated the comic Asinine with C.J. Johnson, as well as illustration works for Shut Up! Magazine and Ugly Things!